Old workplace: corner slot at the 33rd floor of GT Tower, Ayala Avenue, ...with majestic view of Manila skyline
New workplace: slot 23 at the 2nd floor driving deck, Makati Golf Club, ...with majestic view of my old workplace :)
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Nights out in the late 80s were made up
of dinner at Bob's or Chicken House, then to continue the rest of the
evening at what was known as the Sandbar. The Sandbar was basically a
semi-permanent restaurant and grill out in the Bacolod reclamation
area. People fondly referred to the area as "reklè".......Read More
will never forget the morning of April 23, 1980. My mother got off
one of those clunky rotary phones to receive such terrible news. The
M/S Don Juan was reported to have sunk on its way back to Bacolod,
coming from Manila. My mother let loose a loud wail that filled the
house upon knowing that her cousin, Tito Batchoy Alunan ...........Read More